Family-centered maternity care.
Every step of the way.
Every step of the way.
Investing in a strong start for your family.
The entire care team at Hereford Regional Medical Center is dedicated to ensuring a healthy delivery and a great experience for you and your family.
Our experienced labor and delivery team includes four physicians specializing in family medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology, as well as a team of 29 nurses that includes certified family nurse practitioners, a licensed vocational nurse (LVN), and a licensed lactation consultant.
Our 10 delivery rooms are designed around your comfort to create a welcoming and warm environment for your entire family.
The Gudgell Family Birth Experience at Hereford Regional Medical Center
When Jaylee and Truston started making their birth plan, the friendly experts and high-quality, comfortable maternity facilities at Hereford Regional Medical Center made staying close to home for the birth of their daughter Jentree an easy decision.
Your care starts well before your due date,
and it doesn’t stop there.
From prenatal care to postpartum care and support, our care team is with you throughout your entire pregnancy. Our experienced and highly qualified care team is ready to equip you with the care, resources, and education you need before, during, and after your delivery.
The team at Hereford Regional Medical Center delivers hundreds of babies every year, but we also help ensure high-quality experiences and health for you and your baby prior to delivery.

Tabitha Davies, D.O.
Family medicine & obstetrics
“We’re here to make sure no one has to travel miles and miles away from home to receive maternal-fetal care. I love providing these crucial services to the people of Hereford and the surrounding communities.”

Howard Johnson M.D.
Family medicine & obstetrics
“I’ve been delivering babies for 60 years, and I couldn’t have more confidence in our care team here at Hereford. We have an excellent staff, high-quality facilities, and a team-based approach that ensures every family gets the best care possible.”
“As a practicing Obstetrician/Gynecologist with 30 years of clinical experience, it is my joy and pleasure to bring gynecologic procedures including endometrial ablations, hysterectomies, and laparoscopic surgeries, along with competent, full-scale, high-quality, and personalized obstetric care to the women of Deaf Smith County and its surrounding areas.”

Larry McCullough M.D.
Obstetrics & gynecology
The Gudgell Family Birth Experience at Hereford Regional Medical Center
When Jaylee and Truston started making their birth plan, the friendly experts and high-quality, comfortable maternity facilities at Hereford Regional Medical Center made staying close to home for the birth of their daughter Jentree an easy decision.
A Comfortable Birthing Experience at Hereford Regional Medical Center
From spacious and comfortable delivery rooms to specialized equipment and expert providers, Hereford Regional Medical Center provides a comfortable birthing experience supported by a friendly and welcoming team of maternity care experts.