By Jeff Barnhart, CEO
Today is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about heart disease in women. The number one killer of women in the U.S., heart disease claims more women’s lives than all cancers combined. One in three women die of heart disease and stroke each year.
Education and prevention are key.
- Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Take medications as prescribed.
- Stop smoking.
- Maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and eat healthy.
- Understand your risk.
The care team at the Hereford Health Clinic is here to help. Our team of health care professionals can screen you for high cholesterol and high blood pressure – two of the biggest contributors to heart disease. We can prescribe medications that can reduce your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure. We can help you quit smoking and provide counseling and guidance to get you on the path to losing weight and exercising more.
If you’re on Medicare, our Medicare Wellness Center is designed to help seniors assess their health risks and take the necessary steps to minimize those risks and maximize health and well-being.
With this level of care and support so close to home, there’s no excuse for putting it off. Make February the month you commit to your heart health by making an appointment with us.
Also, familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke. These symptoms can look and feel different in women than in men. Getting treatment fast is critical. Don’t delay. Call 911 or come to the emergency room.
Today and every day, the women of our community deserve the best. Our wives, moms, grandmas, aunts and sisters do so much for all of us. Let’s return the favor by making sure the women we love take care of themselves.
Stay well.