February 15, 2024


Deaf Smith County Hospital District Receives 2023 Bill Aston Award for Quality from Texas Hospital Association

Deaf Smith County Hospital District was awarded the Bill Aston Award for Quality by the Texas Hospital Association for its community paramedicine program.

“The community paramedicine program has proven to be an incredibly effective tool for providing high-quality care for our community and reducing readmissions,” said Candice Smith, Deaf Smith County Hospital District CEO. “Part of our mission to advance care is finding innovative ways to care for the Hereford region, and this award underscores the importance of investing in community-focused care.”

The DSCHD community paramedicine program launched in March of 2022 and brings together paramedics, nurses, social workers, physicians, and respiratory therapists to work with patients after they leave the hospital. The team meets patients in their homes to address a wide range of needs, including safety or living condition issues that could negatively impact care and outcomes. This ensures patients keep appointments for follow-up visits and obtain medications, equipment, and any social services they may need to continue recovering at home and avoid re-hospitalization.

Prior to initiation of the community paramedicine program, the hospital’s readmission rate was 35 percent. Within 12 months, the readmission rate decreased to 5 percent, well below the state average of 14.9 percent. Since March 2023, DSCHD has had zero hospital readmissions.

“Great care means going beyond simply caring for patients when they enter the hospital or clinic,” said Smith. “We’re empowering our community with the tools and resources they need to stay healthy and avoid a return trip to the hospital.”

The Texas Hospital Association Bill Aston Award for Quality honors hospitals’ measurable success in improving quality and patient outcomes through the sustained implementation of a national and/or state evidence-based patient care initiative.