November 13, 2023


5 Breastfeeding Best Practices

Breastfeeding can be challenging, especially for new mothers.

Hereford Regional Medical Center is dedicated to providing new and expectant mothers with the best post-natal education, including breastfeeding best practices and problem-solving.

Our breastfeeding support classes are designed to walk new and expectant mothers through breastfeeding best practices, as well as education about the benefits of breastfeeding and how to solve common breastfeeding issues.

Check out the list below for just a few of the breastfeeding best practices that will be covered in the classes.

5 Breastfeeding Best Practices:

  1. Begin breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth: Beginning soon after birth helps to establish the mother’s milk supply and gives the baby the health benefits of breast milk right away.
  2. Breastfeed on demand: Feeding the baby whenever they are hungry, day and night, helps to ensure that the baby is getting enough milk to grow.
  3. Practice skin-to-skin contact: Holding the baby skin-to-skin can help to regulate the baby’s temperature, heart rate, and breathing.
  4. Be patient: It may take some time for babies and new mothers to learn how to breastfeed.
  5. Get help if you need it: There are resources available to help mothers breastfeed, including Hereford’s board-certified lactation consultant and the Hereford Health Clinic’s breastfeeding support classes.

Hereford Regional Medical Center is committed to providing excellent care and support during your pregnancy, from pre-natal care to delivery to post-natal education. If you would like more information, call 806-364-7512 and ask to speak with our board-certified lactation consultant.