Khuri Healthcare Foundation Scholarship
Two $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to students who are attending or plan to attend a school of higher learning for a degree in an ancillary, medically related field including:
- Nursing
- Diagnostic imaging
- Physical therapy
- Respiratory therapy
- Speech therapy
- Laboratory services
- Dental assisting
- Dental hygiene
Applicants who are currently employed in the medical field in Hereford and desire to pursue additional training will be considered the strongest candidates for the scholarships.
Applicants should supply the foundation with the following information to be considered for the scholarship.
Three letters of recommendation, one from a personal reference and two from teachers or employers.
A copy of the applicant’s most recent college transcript.
If not currently enrolled in a school of higher learning, a copy of the applicant’s ACT/SAT scores or other college admission test scores and a copy of their high school diploma.
Completed application in the applicant’s own handwriting.
The Foundation’s Scholarship Committee will consider the following qualities in the applicant when making the selection:
Your grade averages in school must be acceptable for college training.
You should be self-motivated.
Financial hardships or need for the scholarship will also be considered.
Your personal commitment to improving healthcare in Hereford, Texas.

The scholarship will be paid in two installments. One half will be paid at the time of enrollment and acceptance at a recognized school of higher learning. The second half of the scholarship will be paid at the beginning of the second semester, after proof of acceptable grades during the first semester. Scholarship money will be paid in the form of a check made payable to the school of your choice.